Computer Tympanometer CT 350 / CT 450
Computer Tympanometry System
The hardware unit itself is taking a back seat since it is fully controlled by software. Due to it’s slim esign, the device can easily be mounted to the Wall or under thedesktop. With only Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse onthe tabletop, you create a clean and modern workplace no more cable spaghetti!
-Standard Compiance Measurement at 226 Hz optional High Frequency Tympanometry at
678 Hz and 1000 Hz
-Ipsilateral Reflex Measurement optional contralateral Reflex Measurement
-Eustachian Tube Function Test
-Reflex Decay Test
-incl. Probe Handle with
-LED Status Display
-Ear Switch Button
The Software
The key to efficiency is our Software OtoCure Suite. It‘s an integrated, self contained software package and
includes a Database for storing Patients, Audiograms Tympanograms, Forms ...
-Easy Installation
Setup takes care of complete installation including driver Database, etc. No complex Server installations or driver settings required.
- Full Customization
Curve Display can be customized to adopt regional standards. Likewise Print Forms can be fully customized to comply with regional documentation requirements.
-Easy Operation
The full test can be performed on the Patients side since no PC operation is required during testing. The measurement starts automatically on detection of an ear canal. Switching of the examined ear can be done with a push button on the handle and the full status is displayed on the handle as well.
-Compliance Measurement
- Probe Tone 226 Hz
- Optional Probe Tone Frequencies 678 Hz & 1000 Hz
- Pressure Range +200 daPa ... -600 daPa
- Compliance Range 0.4 ml ... 5 ml
- Frequencies: 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, 4000 Hz
- Reflex Levels: 75 / 85 / 95 db SPL
Optional 105 dB SPL
-Eustachian Tube Function Test
-Reflex Decay Measurement
-Seamless Integration with our Tone- & Speech Audiometers
Audiogram and Tympanogram can be viewed side-by-side on the screen and printed on one page to give full overview of all relevant diagnostic data.
-Sophisticated Print Management
The finally printed document is presenting your work to the Patient - and therefore needs to show the same high quality as your work!
This is ensured by the OtoCure Suites Sophisticated Print Manager:
- Many predefined print forms provided
- Allows to create new print forms or change existing forms
- Add, move, Patient Data, Ton- and Speech Audiograms,
Tympanograms, Text, Graphics, Images. Logos and set
colours, line styles, etc.
- Includes Electronic Document Management:
Textfields and Checkboxes can be added to any form.
These can be filled in before printing in the preview window.
Filled in documents can be stored in the integrated database!
- Allows to create print forms that fullfill requirements of
national healts services