about Zeisberg

Zeisberg GmbH

Our work is based on more than 25 years of experience in development, manufacturing, sales and service of electromedical devices for ENT Medicine and Hearing Aid Fitting. Now and then we strive to provide optimal solutions for out customers. We will be happy assisting you with your specific requirements.

We are a certified manufacturer of electromedical devices according to the regulations in the European Union. Our innovative and sophisticated products are designed and built to last. Due to our in-house product design and development we are able to provide long-term support for all of our products in every detail. We achieve the high quality standard of our products by close copperation with local suppliers that we audit ourselfs and keeping all quality relevant assembly and testing within our own production facility. Exhaustive individual testing of each product assures that no faulty device leaves our company.

We cooperate with sales & service partners world wide. Please do not hesitate to contact us to find a partner near you. We will also happily assist you to answer any pther questions.

With best regards from southern Germany
Sven Zeisberg